Hexawise and the Path to Efficient, Effective Testing

When companies begin to use the Hexawise test design tool, they generally have a single issue in mind that they want to address: the test execution phase is taking too long, documentation and maintenance is growing too complicated with increasing...
Hexawise and the Path to Efficient, Effective Testing

When companies begin to use the Hexawise test design tool, they generally have a single issue in mind that they want to address: the test execution phase is taking too long, documentation and maintenance is growing too complicated with increasing...

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By Charles Pitts Jan 4, 2022
Case Study Highlights: How Hexawise Takes the Guesswork Out of Testing

One of the most common pitfalls in software testing is performing too few tests. An inadequate number of tests can lead to gaps in coverage, which allow defects to go undetected until they are discovered by a tester later in development or an end...

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By Charles Pitts Dec 21, 2021
How Hexawise Puts an End to "Garbage In, Garbage Out"

“Garbage in, garbage out” is a phrase commonly used in software development to refer to a basic limitation of all software tools: if the user’s inputs are flawed, inaccurate, or nonsensical, then the application’s output will be as well. Garbage...

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By Charles Pitts Dec 14, 2021
4 Step Process to Awesome Test Plans

Software testing projects can be extremely daunting at first. There are so many moving parts and complexity in a system it can be difficult to know where to start and how to tackle the project. Hexawise testing experts have dealt with this issue countless times and have found this four-step process to help design efficient and effective tests and make software testing projects more manageable. Don't forget to download your testing cheat sheet at the top of the article!

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By Chris Brooks and Charles Pitts Aug 5, 2021
The Optimal Tesla Fleet

You can perform quality assurance on interactions of Tesla features with just 47 of the 1,260 possible cars.

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By Tyler Klose Nov 25, 2019
How to Identify Variation That Should be Tested

When testing software (or anything for that matter) it is important to determine what is important to test.  Testing resources are limited (often, very limited) and we must be certain to focus our effort where it will do the most good.  Hexawise...

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By John Hunter Oct 29, 2019
Actionable Recommendations for Effective Software Testing

The journey to efficient software testing starts with a mindset & process shift – embracing a model-based combinatorial methodology. Traditional test design approaches often lead to the following problems:

 - Direct duplicate tests due to...

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By Matthew Dengler Aug 27, 2019
Consulting at Hexawise: A Client’s User Group

As a Consultant at Hexawise, I work with users at our clients to ensure they are implementing and utilizing Hexawise to its highest potential. During the beginning stages of the Hexawise rollout process at companies, I work with stakeholders to...

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By Conor Wolford Aug 14, 2019
Using Hexawise to Reduce Test Cases by 95% While Increasing Test Coverage

A short presentation by Kathleen Poulsen, Lead Software Engineer in Test at Fidelity Investments, discussing the use of Hexawise at Fidelity Investments and some of the benefits/challenges of implementing Combinatorial Test Design at scale.

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By John Hunter Jan 23, 2018
Exploring the Benefits of Using Hexawise at a Large Bank QA Department

Carrie Puterbaugh's presentation at the Twin Cities Quality Assurance Association on using Hexawise to improve software testing at her organization (a large bank).

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By John Hunter Oct 3, 2017

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